Raindrops on Kite String

Hi y’all! Happy Spring! Happy Easter! Happy Ostara! I love this time of year–all sorts of surprises constantly popping up in my gardens and yard (rooftop irises, cilantro, snapdragons) and a million and one shades of green, my favorite color.

But to me, Spring hasn’t officially arrived until the kids and I fly a kite for the first time of the year. So when I was mulling over my entry for the inaugural Spring Fling Writing Contest (y’all know I can’t resist a contest), I knew it had to have kite flying in it. And rain, because April Showers. Be sure to visit the link above to find out more info about the contest, and without further ado, here’s my entry at 70 words.

Enjoy! Go fly a kite! 🙂

kite blog

Raindrops on Kite String

Tie your laughter onto kite string
and toss it in the air
so a wild wind can send
it soaring,
swirling around ones who have no song.

Let joyful giggles catch on cotton-ball clouds
and make raindrops
heavy with the magic of happy
dreams that plop
back to earth in puddles
we splash in.

May all sense that smidge of joy
mingled in mud,
even if they only see rain.

18 thoughts on “Raindrops on Kite String

  1. Wow! I really love the beautiful imagery and lyrical language. This has great illustration potential too! I especially loved “Tie your laughter onto kite string and toss it in the air.” My heart felt happy just reading that line. Well done!


  2. The spread of joy and laughter. I would love to see that in illustrations. Would be a great visual to show children how contagious it can be!


  3. What a beautiful way if thinking of kites. How did you make me feel happy and sad all at once, what a beautiful poem! Thank you so much for sharing and entering. We just flew a kite with Kiara the first time this spring and I’m pretty sure she flew it better than I did hahaha, she had the most fun with the tail. I’ll have to read to her when she wakes up from her nap😊


  4. This is so beautiful, Candice! Your poetic entry also ties in nicely because April is National Poetry Month. 🙂 And you’ve used such delicious language. Some of my favorite lines: “Tie your laughter onto kite string and toss it in the air” and ” raindrops heavy with the magic of happy dreams.” So lovely! Good luck!


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